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Bacolod City, Philippines Monday, August 6, 2012
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Population control


The “suggestion” of President Aquino is that a way to reduce the cost of education is to reduce the number of children. Sounds logical because in a society where there are only old people there would be no more kinder, grade, elementary and high schools, or at least for those who are stubborn and would have children, at least there would be fewer children to educate.

In clear language, Aquino wants birth control, the term that Reproductive Health advocates do not like to use because this national program had already been shown to be counter-productive and had failed as a means to national development.

The advocates of this philosophy of population control also insist that when there are more old people, the solution is to reduce the number of old people. They have a ready solution for this problem - help old people to die or the dreaded term, euthanasia that even the RH advocates do like to use because they probably would be the first to be induced to die.

 When this balance in population is reached (birth to death), then society shall have a heaven on earth where there will be no more poor people to feed and care and therefore no more hungry people.

Sounds crazy? Not the least.

Two prominent personalities in the last century, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin,  tried this solution. Hitler wanted only a selected race - his race while Stalin starved the Ukraine killing over 20 million people in order to provide food for Russia and sent millions more to die to prevent Germany from overrunning the Kremlin.

When people grew old in Russia and were no longer productive and had become a burden to society, they were sent to die in camps.

Both Hitler and Stalin chose which child will live and those that will be left to die. Hitler wanted only the Aryan race and bred them while the rest of the children were sent to the concentration camps with their parents to die in gas chambers. This was his “Final Solution” to overcrowding, the “lebensraum” or living space.

Stalin had a similar solution but we are not yet able to get a complete picture but latest research showed that these two dictators shared this same obsession on how to prevent the world’s population from growing beyond what they thought the world would be able to provide with food, shelter and education.

The world does not realize even to this day the fundamentals of Hitlerian and Stalinian philosophy of the “lebensraum” to control population but the followers and believers of this philosophy had gained insider influence within the United States government and the United Nations.

The leader in this population control program was the United Nations Fund for Population Activities with the US was its major funding source. I remember the US introduced the population program in the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos when population control advocates in 1960 claimed that before the end of the century, Filipinos (then at 60 million) would reach 100 million with millions starving.

The government panicked but when it came out that China had adopted a one-child policy (later adjusted to two-child) and coerced couples to abort their children, the US withdrew from the UN program. The US also denied funding to the London-based International Planned Parenthood Federation because the Federation advocated abortion. The US abortion clinics continued to have profitable business killing fetuses nevertheless from private funding.

Because of this loss of funding, the population control, contraceptives and abortion advocates used the deceptive phrase “reproductive rights “ and later “reproductive health” which members of  Congress are supporting without probably delving into the origins and hidden agenda of this phrase.

This phrase carried with it the principle of the “right to privacy” and the “right to die.” The “right to privacy” and the “right to make a choice” are the same animal and carried the same principle as “the right to die” that when embraced by the state becomes euthanasia.

Be that as it may the reports said that the gains in the Philippines were lost in 1986 when the President Corazon Aquino came to power and she mandated a new Constitution that barred reproductive health  in unmistakable term by providing that the State shall “protect life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.’’

I had written many times that artificial contraception kill human life at the moment of conception. The RH advocates can rant and turn frenzy but this fact – human life at conception – will not change, not even when President Aquino betrays the principle that his mother lived by and which she protected even after her death, by insuring that protection in our Constitution.  

By pushing for RH at its present form, President Aquino goes against her mother’s legacy.*



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